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Sino-Arab International DESIGN Award. Dubai 2016

While the influence of traditional, contemporary and innovative aspects of architecture and design in the Far East has a wide-ranging reach spanning the globe, it has a particularly strong sway here in the Middle East. For those interested in meeting designers from countries such as Taiwan and China in person, head over to Dubai Community Theatre & Arts Centre (DUCTAC) in Mall of the Emirates for its latest exhibition, the second edition of Sino-Arab International Design, hosted by China International Interior Design (CIID).

Its extended title, Exchange Meeting and Global Tour Exhibition of Golden-Creativity Prize Owners in Dubai, sets out its aims and purpose – to award 10 designers from Asia with a platform to meet and network with their counterparts and potential clients in the Middle East, while exhibiting some of their key projects in commercial, residential, hospitality, and arts and entertainment.

由中国国际室内设计网联合阿联酋迪拜艺术中心共同举办的“2016第二届中阿国际设计交流展暨金创意设计奖获奖作品全球巡展-迪拜站”于2016年9月17日在阿联酋迪拜艺术中心隆重举办。此次活动得到了阿联酋迪拜文化部、APID专业室内设计协会(迪拜)、阿联酋湖南商会代表及各大媒体的大力关注和支持。中国驻迪拜总领馆赵向军参赞、中国贸促会驻海湾代表处张喜敬首席代表、迪拜艺术中心总经理穆哈穆德阿里、迪拜专业室内设计师协会Renae Hewitt主任、博深集团彭铁缆董事长、阿联酋湖南商会陈陵辉会长及各阿联酋商业人士,法国著名室内设计师Herve Collignon阿联酋华文媒体们出席了本次活动的开幕式!由中国驻迪拜总领馆赵向军参赞、国贸促会驻海湾代表处张喜敬首席代表及迪拜艺术中心穆哈穆德阿里总经理分别为此次中阿国际设计交流展活动致辞。